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Phentolamine (alpha-adrenergic blocker) 5-15 mg once intravenously by bolus for hypertensive crisis associated with pheochromocytoma.drafting is also necessary. It is strictly forbidden to use table salt, since it contains sodium, which retains water in the body. Cephalexin Medicinal preparations during a hypertensive crisis produce an effect as efficiently as possible if a salt-free diet is observed during a hypertensive crisis. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to buy keflex pills balanced diet during a hypertensive crisis.
Labetalol (beta-blocker) 20-80 mg IV bolus every 10-15 minutes or drip method 50-300 mg at 0.5-2 mg per minute. Recommended for encephalopathy, renal failure. Prevention of hypertensive crises is not mandatory without control over the amount of fluid you drink. Because the blood pressure during a hypertensive crisis is excessively high, liquids should be drunk no more than one and a half liters per day. Drinks that contain sodium should be avoided altogether. A diet for a hypertensive crisis should be prescribed by the attending physician, at best, a nutritionist.
Recovery after a hypertensive crisis is carried out on a mandatory basis, and according to an individual program for each individual patient. If the patient is already on a stable bed rest, then they begin to carry out rehabilitation physical activities that are designed to solve subsequent problems. Improving the quality of the vascular system of the heart. Recovery after a hypertensive crisis without fail includes individual and group classes in physical therapy.
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The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and cannot replace professional advice and qualified medical assistance. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of this disease, be sure to consult a doctor!
What is a hypertensive crisis, symptoms and signs, treatment and possible consequences.
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The second, in turn, is divided into three independent forms. Hypokinetic. Accompanied by a decrease in cardiac output. Hyperkinetic. It is characterized by a diametrically opposite process. increased cardiac output. Eukinetic. There is no ejection dynamics. It remains at a normal level. Peripheral circulation is enhanced. It is considered the most common type of condition (up to 80-90% of all clinical cases).
Depending on the presence of complications, a complicated and uncomplicated process is determined.
The first signs of a pre-infarction state are described here, and pre-stroke - here.
Determination of the type of hypertensive crisis plays an important role in the selection of therapy tactics. In any case, patients need to be treated in a hospital setting. It is possible to remove a hypertensive crisis at home, with improvised means (upon the arrival of an ambulance), but no one will guarantee the absence of a relapse in a short time. A crisis is considered an emergency. characteristic symptoms of the condition.
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Acute increase in blood pressure in the range of 50-70 mm Hg. Sometimes more, depending on the characteristics of the patient's body and the degree of pathological changes. Tachycardia. Signs of a crisis include acute arrhythmias with a significant decrease or increase in the number of heartbeats per minute. Increased heart rate predominates, which only exacerbates the already difficult situation of the patient.
The symptoms of a hypertensive crisis are specific, it is difficult to confuse a pathological condition with others, evenpeople without special medical knowledge.

Sharp headache. Usually in the occipital region. Baling, shooting character. No signs of relief after using analgesics. Nausea, vomiting. A symptom of a hypertensive crisis of a reflex nature. It is explained by irritation of special centers of the brain. Symptoms are not stopped by drugs from the home medicine cabinet. Needs urgent specialized help. Unsteadiness of gait. Due to disruption of the vestibular apparatus and cerebellar trophism. Shortness of breath and feeling short of breath. Occurs due to tissue hypoxia and impaired cellular respiration. Dizziness. Fainting states. In severe situations, coma, stupor are possible.
It is necessary to call an ambulance and lay the patient on a couch, bed or hard surface. Bend your legs at the knees to normalize cerebral blood flow. It is desirable that the head be above the level of the body. To do this, put a roller or a hard pillow under the head. Provide fresh air to the room. Open a vent or window. This will help supply the patient with fresh air. If the patient is being treated by a cardiologist, an emergency pill should be given. However, the dosage must be strictly observed. A sharp drop in blood pressure is just as dangerous as a rapid increase.